Bishop Albert Vun thinks he is the most powerful to stay on to the control of Power, People, and Money but God is Sovereign. Time has come to reveal God’s righteousness through things happening around us.
It is unbelievable to read what has been written in the Bishop’s pastoral letter. Interesting to hear Bishop Albert Vun has always been guided by his chancellor and standing committee but in reality we all know he is running ADOS in his dictatorial style. Is he trying to say in any event if he is found guilty of complaints then it is his chancellor and his standing committee had ill-advised him? Putting the blame on others at his selfish convenience is grossly unfair.
Who are these people in the standing committee and the PCC? Are they not mostly Bishop Albert Vun’s priest and pastors? Do you think these people will testify the full truth if being called for? Should they not swear with their hands on the bible to tell the truth and not tales of their opinions and concocted truth? Why was there universally preached messages from the pulpit in many churches in the Diocese of Sabah about Bishop Vun’s pastoral letter asking people not to believe the truth but instead to believe the tales of Bishop Albert Vun?
If Bishop Albert Vun thinks he has been righteous throughout his leadership as the head of the Anglican Diocese, why was there deliberate act to stop those try to know or reveal the full truth? He said his heart is to lead the church to grow but his actions are showing otherwise. How come he has contradicted himself by writing all sorts of untruthful and disorderly facts going all out to destroy the church’s unity? Who is the root cause of all problems? He has rebuked people as mockers to discuss church issues through the web but why has he also done it by abusing his position as the head of the Diocese of Sabah with his tales?
We have given Bishop Albert Vun lots of opportunity to repent and be good but his hearts has been hardened. His refusal of total submission unto God’s sovereignty was the greatest downfall and damage to the many years of good systems established in the Diocese of Sabah and All Saints Cathedral. How do we expect him to be transformed unless God gives him new genes and DNA?
We hope to see new systems and changes that is universally accepted and practiced to be re-established to mark the new beginning of our 50 years and beyond the Diocese of Sabah for the glory of God.