
Blog Archive

Friday, 21 December 2012


This blog is not closed but we had taken a period to cool off to wait upon the PHOB dealing with BAV. In the past 1 month, we had restrained from commenting too much though we have been watching closely the development of the crisis.

Everyone is watching us locally and internationally how our Provincial House of Bishops (PHOB), the head of the Anglican Communion in the Province of South East Asia addresses this crisis and it is now in their most recent advent letter.

The hopes of many who waited for an assertive decision from the highest authority seem to be doomed with this latest Advent letter from the Archbishop of the Province.  This will further disintegrate the church. 

The truth has been revealed and putting a stop to our internet communications to cover up without justice will add more conspiracies. Does it mean cover up will bring us closure to this crisis and unity of the church to be restored again overnight? If it is according to God’s Will, this crisis should had been resolved.   Why had God allowed it to prolong?  Surely not God is allowing things to work through His people to cleanse the church?

We are gracious and forgiving people for the past many years as how BAV has been abusing God’s churches in many ways.  How can we continue to forgive him as there is no end to it?  BAV is the root cause of all problems and not the people! In any law of justice, there should be reprimands.  The trust of governance entrusted to him as the bishop had been broken.  We have a criminal who continues to abuse his position and power to gain his innocence by ways of delusion using dirty tactics and corruptibility to get his ways out.  We all had seen how he lied in the dialogue he had with his people.  Where is his heart of repentance? Have we not given him more grace than in any normal circumstances?  It should be an end to all these.

Do we take it as the PHOB does not have the expertise and experience to prosecute his own fellow colleague to the Ecclesiastical Court?  They had failed their duty to act according to the framework of their constitution in dealing with this matter. Is there any wrong in pursuing this to the Courts of Malaysia? We are calling all professionals to link up as a think tank group.  Please email us your name and contacts categorized with your professional experience so we can profile you to the work groups.

God is strengthening His people for the end times. Our Hope is Unity in Christ for those who seek Him righteously. His Righteousness shall prevail and we should be the salt and light to the world bringing Glory to His name. God’s plan for us has never changed and He is our reason for this season.