
Blog Archive

Wednesday, 12 September 2012


Ezekiel 3:18
When I say to a wicked person, ‘You will surely die,’ and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood.

Any financial person will ask some of these questions in the Synod if they are given time to read the accounts: 

a)  What is the definition of fixed assets in accounting?  Why was the Bangkok  condominium treated as off balance sheet item? Why was it never a fixed asset?  Who suggested it as revenue expenditure (charged out as expenses) instead of capital expenditure (fixed assets)?

b)    How did the KK land sales of RM236,500 become receivables?  What is this? Land sales from Likas land not fully collected?  ADOS only sold 2 parcels of KK land.  The Likas Land and the road access to the freemason. This amount owing from which buyer?

c)     Why is the Kokol Project Account supposedly monitored by Michael Tong (the treasurer for the project) cost only RM5.1mil but the costs booked in ADOS accounts shows RM6mil? ADOS account shows Kokol cost RM836,000 more than the project account under the project treasurer Michael Tong. How and why? This can only suggests some unknown expenses were booked in as costs to this project in ADOS account.  The Kokol building was completed and dedicated end of August 2010.  Why was there still an addition of RM538,967 costs in 2011?  How could two different figures presented to the Synod? How could the accounts be approved and accepted?

d)    Where has the rental income gone?  ADOS has been receiving rental like from Wisma Anglican, staff apartment and various premises.  Why were these not reported in the accounts?

e)     There was RM38.8mil of bank balances from the close of 2009 financial.  After    having spent RM18.1mil for both 2010 and 2011 and received income RM7.4 of income for the 2 years, there should only have left with RM28.1mil.  This is simple mathematics.  Why there is still RM34.5mil?  How have overnight miracles happened that RM6.4mil just appeared into the bank from nowhere?

f)      Movement of specific fund was all done with wrong accounting.  Why funds utilised (spent) is also funds transferred into this account?  This is not right.  There was RM41mil in the special fund at the close of 2009 financial.  RM3.7mil for 2009 & 2010 from the assessment has been allocated into this fund, a total of RM44.7mil. RM18.1mil have been utilised.  There should only be RM26.6mil.  Why is there still RM37mil?  This is very strange.

g)         Development fund & Kokol were over charged by RM96,728 and RM34,912 in the specific fund.  How could RM131,640 overspent from this account?  How will these discrepancies be accounted for?

h)      What was the reason for no budget was presented during the 2010 Synod?  Is it right that the Chairman had violated the Constitution of the Diocesan and manipulated the Synod? Without the budget from the previous Synod, more than RM6.4 worth of properties had been purchased between last Synod and this.  Was it not Bishop Vun initiated to purchase the Tenom shop lots, Sipitang and Menggatal land worth more than RM2mil? (We all know these RM2mil deals were all with contentious issues). Then, why were these selectively not taken up as fixed assets of ADOS but the Sulaiman and Lahad Datu were booked as assets in ADOS account ?  Who decided the purchase of Sulaiman and the Lahad Datu shoplots worth more than RM4.1mil? 

i)         RM6.3mil was spent for purchase of land and church planting and RM3.4mil as mission and outreach fun. A total of RM9.7mil from the sales of Likas Land has been spent over the past 2-3years.  There should only be RM21.3mil remaining not utilised. How long will this last if the same pattern of spending is practiced for the next 5 years? Have we achieved our purpose from the intention of the Synod to approve the sales of this land?
The Diocesan Academies Board (Hearing it 1st time)
j)       When was this Board formed? The All Saints Anglican Academy started immediately Bishop Vun was made the Bishop.   Why only now in Synod 2012 then the Diocesan Board was formed?  Who decided on the members of the Board?  There are 8 members on the Board 7 members are directly under the payroll of the Diocesan Bishop.  The members are Stella Lo (Bishop’s representative), Bishop John Yeo, Canon Yong Thiam Choy, Datin Mary Vun(Chairman), Rev Tan Chor Kee, Lily Tan ( Rev Tan’s wife) Mdm Chung Shuk Yong.  The other person is none other than the Diocesan treasurer.  How can the Board make objective decisions when they are all interested parties?
All Saints Anglican Academy (ASAA, the school)
k)       Why all the academy accounts not included as part of ADOS accounts yet funds were transferred out from ADOS’s mission funds expenses to finance the school activities. Why is this account so preferential that need not to be audited?  Who owns the school? Does it belong to Mary Vun ( the chairwoman) or the Diocese?

l)        Salaries for ASAA has increased close to RM90,000 between 2010 & 2011.  If every staff (including Mary Vun) get one month bonus, there is still an unexplained RM45,000.  Was this paid to Mary Vun for being consultants to the China failed mission?

m)      Guess who are the signatories to the cheques of the ASAA?  Is it not Mary Vun?  Together with her, there is a young priest who is also under the payroll of Mary Vun’s husband (the bishop).  Interestingly, this account was not included in ADOS financial.  If it is not part of ADOS, why is ADOS so obligated to transfer funds out to aid ASAA, Sunway and Beijing?  Do you think this is right? Being an interested party to the Bishop, she received the money from her husband.  Why was the formation of the Academy Board only done in 2012 before the Synod? Has it been discussed and approved by the standing committee?

n)    The school (ASAA) venture into China with the Koreans.  Is that all we have invested RM80,000 as reported by the Board secretary?  Inconsistencies: Auditor’s finding was RM650,000 and another RM600,000 without records.  We want the truth to be unfolded.


  1. I am lost for words-shocking! I presume blogmaster,AV will still say all lies.Why did you reveal to the public,why did you not go through the proper channel? The proper channel was at the Synod but he did not give out the accounts well before the meeting,thus nobody could question him and yet still passed by the Synod without studying it in details,no time to discuss among themselves,incredible!! Luckily the Synod was an illegal one!

  2. Simply a very lousy set of accounts and ADOS looks like a personal property of AVCF and others in his gang.

    That is how AVCF treated God's money in his private pockets without good governance, transparency and public accountability.

    Despite the illegal one, and the Synod went on to make the whole thing wasted God's money.

    How many of you have lodged Police Report on this theft at the Synod and all those present would be held liable as no objection was made.

    So we need to carry banner like "IN God we trust, In God we act to clean up ADOS" when we go to the Police Station in big number to lodge Police Report. I had done my duty.

  3. From what we noticed in the auditor's report,AV showed that being the bishop he has the prerogative to fiddle with the accounts as well.He could take money out or put in it to where and when he liked it. He could transfer money out from one account and put it into another account and then would not tell where the money had gone to.Some assets bought in overseas but not recorded in the church accounts,deed not legal,aiyoh,what a mess now the church is landed with.He not only created a mess in the church and even more so in the church accounts! Yet,he said with Standing Committee's approval,always guided by the Chancellor,but I did not hear that he was guided by the treasurer!! If by the treasurer,I want to know which one,I believe Paul Chong is caught in between,that is why he resigned!

  4. Are the FDs still intact with the bank now?

    Quote: “Anonymous14 July 2012 03:16

    Albert, we trust you will not use ADOS or ASC’s piggy banks to dabble in KLSE.
    Making profits in KLSE investments belongs to Vun Cheong Fui & lost making
    investments redirect to ADOS & ASC’s accounts ?
    I heard you used to be a very active stocks market punter when you were in Tawau & you used to trade through my cousin brother.”

  5. I just don't understand why AV kept buying properties with the church money and then the buying price is different from what it was recorded in the books.Figures all jumbled up,if he is a very honest and organised person,his books would be very transparent but as it is,it is murky! If he said he is above all professionals how come when it comes to accounting,he is messing the accounts up,intentionally or otherwise?

    I think all priests should be given a course on law and accounting so that when they are given a church to manage they know how to deal with the accounts.His boss is the worst in accounting or is he? According to the auditor,the church should have a proper accounting clerk to do the job but none,purposely? During Bishop Yong's time,there was one but I heard AV told her to fly kites!!!!!

  6. Mary Vun's car was bought with the church money.Does her being the principal of the Academy school entitled her to have a car? Anyway her hubby is the big boss,what he says goes.No question about it.Julia Yong,wife of the former archbishop did not qualify to have a church car.She drove her very own old car! See the difference?

    1. We don't know whether she bought the car with the church money because she is also the signatories to all the cheques for the school.

      The previous owner is from tawau. In this case,it is more likely they have some private arrangement in other dealings with BAV, he could have gotten the car for free. The car is registered in the name of BAV. If the car was bought for Mary, why is it not in the name of Mary but instead,BAV? You get it?

      The only way he can prove his innocence is to show us he paid money to the owner. Cross examinie the seller.

    2. what is the number of the car driven by Mary Vun?

    3. Jk,the Toyota Harrier driven by Mary Vun belongs to AV( posted by one of the blogger some months ago bears registration no: WKX2968).

      Surely Mary Vun will tell you off like her hubby, Jk, enough is enough, what is wrong if people want to bless the bishop with nice cars after he is the bishop. You people are expected to be AV's servant. God called u to be our servant to serve us. We are suppose to be one class higher, you see?

    4. what about this car?

      Toyota RAV 4 (WGU 1751)?

    5. The toyota Rav 4 (WGU 1751) was driven by Mary Vun before she change to Toyota Harrier WKX2968.

      WGU1751 is now driven by the teachers sometimes & being sold to Dos I believe. How much was the sales price? Who decided to buy? AV & his treasurer again?

      How can AV label us as trouble makers just because he is NOT doing the right thing?

      Don't think we can tolerate anymore this kind of abuse in finances as if AV is spending his own money.

    6. the correction one is this -

      WKX2968 is registered in AVCF name and so is driving her own car.

      How is this car entered in the books of ADOS, if any?

      I don't know who got the idea that this car belong to ADOS?

      The Accounts did not provide a list of cars but less than RM300k when ADOS has many vehicles.

  7. William,why are you so quiet? What was AV's reply to you regarding the police patrol in church compound? Don't tell me you are charmed by AV?????

  8. Having read part 4, I am very sure all are lost for words. Over to you Parish Priests, what are you going to say or any special announcement this Sunday? Please take action.

  9. It is very scary reading the auditor's management letter and we are sceptical of the figures in the accounts-are they the real figures or just figures created by whosoever is/was the treasurer at that time? I am not an accountant just an ordinary housewife,could tell the 'fishy' smell in there! What did AVCF take all of us for by giving us a rotten account that the auditor could not even balance it!Did the Synod really approve it???

  10. I think there is a lot of things hidden by Philip Lo as the "Project Director cum Mission Director" not provided in the ADOS Constitution.

    How do we expect the Synod delegates to see such smallese prints in page 56 of the Report 2012? If the Synod delegates could not see those smallest print, the delegates should have rejected the whole report. If they could not understand the accounts without the Management Report as it was qualified audited accounts, the delegates of the Synod should have suspended the audited account. Oh no, the crocodile tears did it again and possibly again to the HoB in Changi or change it on 11th Septemeber, 2012.

    Now what can we do about the audited accounts? See the next post.


  11. I am sorry to say that although we need to do the forensic audit as the normal approach but in ADOS case it is extra-ordinary as where do find CEO with crocodile tears at the AGM?

    The crocodile tears were sort of "signs" from God and yet the Synod delegates so mired in some "Bible verses" were swayed by the deceit of AV. Did not synod delegates read that sign correctly? With those crocodile tears, AV should hand over those documents, records, accounts book plus everything for six years and resign straight away.

    I am for the forensic audit in a normal case and in this case the neccessary records are already destroyed hence AV could issue a standard reply to the honorary auditor on his Management letter which was supposed to "convict" AV for his control over the Standing Committee? With that standard meaningless letter, AV thought he could cover himself for his wrong doings and then with the crocodile tears.

    It is costly forensic audit and the accountants in ADOS untainted by the crocodile tears can do better when records are missing because we have read all the information in the blogs of thousands of postings. Tell me how many other accountants have read the blogs with sincerity?

    I tell you when I was with the Federal Audit Department, nobody did any audit on the IRD and I was the only one then to do that without accounting training (that is Sabah style) in those days and I did justice for the ordinary people with millions of Ringgit of recoveries.

    Our rights as members must be respected and don't leave it to the Synod delegates largely the cronies of AV.

    The petition that is to go on / going to be is to ask the Bishop, the Standing Committee to hand over all the records that are still available and we can proceed from there. We will scrutiny them with a detailed audit programme. Better still ask him to go on long leave.

    Please also look at the case of SGCC done by a top 5 audit firm..

  12. Time for overseas mission trip to Brisbane Australia on 20 Sept. Is AV going with the team? Overseas trips nowadays are more like incentive trips for AV's staff and he also conveniently tag along.

    We never get to know when there are mission trips. None of these have been advertised in any of the bulletins. Very simple, money to overseas missions are from the ADOS mission funds. AV will only benefit his inner circle.

    Guess who gets to go? Obviously people have been loyal to him gets the benefit. Pastor Margaret Thien surely secured a place for her loyalty to die hard for AV. She made herself in AV’s good records because of few of the incidents in church.

    1) When the lady reacted to AV's sermon, Margaret was hostile to drag the lady out frm the service.
    2) In the AGM, she had played dumb to keep few baskets of votes on Dr James' resolution. So the resolution was defeated.
    3) When brother Kong senior went out to object the Si quis for Philip Lo's ordination, she was also there tried to stop our brother Kong. Surely she gets the blessing of AV because she can forsake her own self & family for the sake of dying hard for AV.

    See? This is how the mission fund is being abused. Other people get to go Brisbane with Margaret are the three staff of the music academy, wife of the young pastor who is now awarded because of her husband's loyalty to sign cheques with Mary Vun in her school and the other person is AV’s current PA. His PA has been to mission trips in the previous year to New Zealand as well.

    In the past, missions trips are paid by individuals' own pocket and they from all churches in the diocese. They will still come back and share with the church after their trips despite they paid from their own pocket. Now, mission trips are silent & top secret. We don't get to know and we don't get to hear from them after the trip.

    Now the church and the diocese pay for their trips but we have no ideas who are going and what have they done.

    Next month October mission trip to Johannesburg, can you guess who gets to go?. They are none other than prince Andrew (AV’s youngest son, who is none better than the few spies and reporter for AV in all Sunday services when AV is not around), Rebecca Lo & Faith Lo ( daughters of Stella Lo), Canon Yong's secretary in the office, one of the young ambassador who is a very close friend of AV & Stella’s kids, Timmie Liew (the young lawyer who played stupid and innocent in the PCC during the interview of the PAC, also a member of Canon Yong cell).

    We want to know how to qualify going overseas trips tagged as mission. Why only the inner circles of AV get to go?

    How well can kids like Andrew Vun who can’t even conduct himself with respect during Sunday service get to represent the Diocese and church? Very simple, test his calling. Try to send Andrew Vun to interior mission work 1st to test his heart. Then the 2 daughters of Stella Lo, they are still kids in their early teens. What do they know about mission? Is that what our Anglican Sabah is being represented merely by these teenages merely AV & Stella Lo’s kids?? Don't we have other more qualified teenages kids? More fundamental question is why do we send kids? Surely AV will say other adults don’t want to go. Have these ever been put up in the bulletin at all?

    If they are paying on their own money, we will not question. But using ADOS & church fund for this we surely find this bias and with ill intention to manipulate and take advantage of the situation in full conspiracies.

    1. Quote: "wife of the young pastor who is now awarded because of her husband's loyalty to sign cheques with Mary Vun in her school "

      Who actually own ASAA?

      We have to check with the bank why persons other then AVCF are allowed to sign cheques even when AVCF is illegal trustee?

      All the illegalities in ADOS because of the biggest thief and gangs of thieves under AVCF.

  13. I have read through the 4 parts posted by the blogmaster of THE TRUTH for many times. With the help of my outdated calculator to do some simple plus and minus calculation, I know something is very wrong with the figures manupulated by some irresponsible person behind the scene. It is something like a flash of the insight and all is clear that they are thieves inside our house. Let's wake up and get up in full force to throw the culprits out of the window.

  14. Betul. Suruh di orang pigi mission trip di pedalaman. Ada banyak keperluan di pedalaman. Pigi la sana ini mau pigi luar negara. Buat apa pigi sana balik sini sabah sama ja. Yang pigi mission trip luar negara pun tiada juga bawa perubahan. Sama ja diosis kita yang beza duit kita kena pakai untuk di orang melancong atas tiket mission trip konon. Apalah buang duit jemaat saja. Di pedalaman banyak gereja mau kasi upgrade tapi tada duit sudah la itu paksa-paksa jemaat beri perpuluhan sampai di umum siapa-siapa yang tidak beri perpuluhan. Jemaat pun inda mau pigi sembayang suda gara-gara ini paderi cakap pasal duit saja. Cuba la beri peruntukan sikit untuk gereja pedalaman buat renovation upgrade sikit gereja ini sendiri-sendiri kunun cari duit. Kamu fikir semua orang tau ka siapa itu bishop albert vun kalau di kampung. Nah kasian inda semua tau sb inda pi melawat kampung ba tu. itulah appoint si bishop melter jadi assist bishop spya itu AV inda paya pigi kampung. apa lah punya bishop albert vun.....bagus baik-baik la ko resign.......

  15. Mr.Michael Tong Sam Pah, is doing a disservice to himself and a disgrace to the profession. He called himself a " PROFESSIONAL MAN " & yet he stood so low and colluding with the Chief Embezzelment Officer to sai lang ADOS & ASC ?
    Do you dare to get his accounting & management firm in Damai to do an external audit ?
    Was his appointment for patching up all the holes at the ADOS ledgers ???

    1. all these people put on sheep fleece and pretend to be lambs. he only has his interest at stake. either political, financial or social. he dont give a damn about the church

  16. Come 24th September,will AV hug the judge and shed crocodiles tears again to soften the heart of the judge so that there will be no trial? Just wait and see what will happen!

  17. Many or some here are in favour to lodge report to MACC and I intend to do it next week and we go there together.

    I will compile the paper..

    get in touch with me

  18. who owns "Rangsit Anglican Outreach Center" in Bangkok?

    Rangsit Anglican Outreach Center
    Lay Pastors:Ms Faustina Foo and Ms Alice Aik


    Question - Who owns Rangsit Anglican Outreach Center when it is also in the Anglican Diocese of Singapore? Is it a joint venture or what?

    So who actually paid for this project?
    when ADOS homepage show RAOC as

    Bangkok, Thailand Rangsit Ministry
    52/220, Muang Ake, Lak Hok, Muang, Phahonyolthin Rd, Pathum Thani 12000, Thailand

    Pastor Faustina Foo

    Is it another illegal/ultra vires venture of ADOS?


  19. In my frustrstion, I can't help crying out to God to show us the way to resolve the issues. Our Ados is on fire and HOB don't seems to bother much and drag on without taking immediate action. Is this the way that we christians authority handling our problem? Has the HOB seen all the funny things that our Bav and his clergies have been doing these days. Do the HOB feel hurt and insulted over his deed? We really feel very dissapointed if Hob see nothing and feel nothing.
    Brothers and sisters in Christ, I don't want to make any more comments apart from this. You can judge for yourself after the final decision made by HOB. I hope it is timely not months after affair when Our house has been burnt out.

  20. I heard some defenses like the management letter was issued late. AV, treasurer & standing com did not have time to respond to it.

    These sort of excuses do not hold water any more.

    (1) ADOS office received the management letter on the day before the last standing com meeting. If AV is transparent, why was the management letter not even made available to table for the standing com meeting? Other stand com members may not be aware but the treasurer, Paul Chong and AV surely knew. What was AV trying to do? He lied to the entire strand com in the meeting? Yet shed so much crocodile tears? Repentance or guilt?

    Slow in communication there is a management letter? This sort of inefficiency does not happen in situation if AV wants to get his cheques signed or pay for items he bought. It only happen when AV is disadvantaged. Do you still call this honest & transparent anymore? Is this expected of the chief shepherd?

    (2) What difference does it make on issues raised by the auditor in the management letter whether it was received early or late?

    Does it make any difference to the purchase of the unauthorized purchase for the Alphard and the Bangkok condo? Does it make any difference to the wishy washy deal in the Tenom Shoplot?

    If we hear anymore from AV’s cronies especially John Yeo or Paul Chong defending the management letter was received late from the auditor, all these are just nonsense defenses and it will only make the defender more foolish.

    When we hear that sort of excuses, we only read the message behind their head like should they know the auditor was going to highlight some of the flaws spotted, they probably have more time to window dress their explanations to ease your hearing rather than caught with surprises.

    God works in an amazing way. With all these signs going around having surfaced so much of AV’s flaws, what is the indication?

    Priest, do you still call these persecutions from the people or God’s wrath is beginning to show? Can AV continue to wrap fire with fire proof paper? It is in God’s grace AV is given so much time until now.

    AV, God is telling you and your cronies “enough is enough” but you refused to hear from HIM instead you told Joshua Kong “enough is enough” Wrong signal! God is telling You, AV & all the cronies John Yeo, Paul Chong, Michael Tong, Kenneth Thien & Stephen Foo, “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH AND I AM THE SOVERIGN GOD, YOU HAVE FAILED YOUR DUTIES I THE LORD HAS ENTRUSTED YOU. FOR BEHOLD I AM THE YOUR GOD AND I AM THE SHEPHERD OF THE FLOCKS. I AM NOT PLEASED WITH THE WAY THINGS ARE DONE IN MY CHURCH FOR I WILL COME AND REDEEM MY CHURCH. FOR I AM THE CHIEF SHEPHERD OF MY CHURCH. Thus says the Lord.

    The Spirit of God is heavy upon me. I did not make up the words in Bold. I was writing "enough is enough" and the prophesy came. I urge all to pray for ADOS & the church.

  21. No matter how many people are going to audit the accounts,the fact remains,the discrepancies are still there.The auditor had already raised lots of queries but AV never answered anyone of them.Don't put the blame on the auditor.To save time,have a forensic audit with all the documents,bank account statesments,FD certificates,receipts,leases of all the properties produced.We have wasted enough time already or is it one of the tactics of delaying the 'verdict' If not enough time was given why did AV want people to pass the accounts that same day? There were no complaints from Paul Chong that he was not given enough time? Infact,the clergies were not given enough time to study the accounts and how to study it when the Synod did not even know what was in the accounts,I heard they were only given it during the meeting of the Synod.All these tricks and delaying tactics don't work anymore.

  22. without the Management letter, the accounts are lousy and scandalous..

  23. I want to ask anyone who has a copy of Diocesan Synod 2012 Report, were the pages of Note 7 – Diocesan Assessment in the last two pages of the Financial Report? If not, why not?

  24. I know that Paul Chong about thirty years ago through Bishop CF Yong formerly as Dean of ASC.

    Since then I never want to know him and I heard much about him.

    I have seen how he performed at the many AGMs of a public listed company.

    I can draw my own conclusion..

  25. WGU 1751 n WKX 2968 cars both registered under Vun Cheong Fui name

  26. I hope AV will be suspended from office if there is a trial.I hope HOB will do that before the outcome on 24th Sept. If he is not suspended from office,he will still carry on spending the church money,and he can still increase his own salary,his wife's salary and his favoured ones, and what can members do except helplessly watching them empty the coffers.We still have some millions in the bank hopefully not yet spent by AV and if he is not stopped,our church will go bankrupt because he just does not care anymore!

  27. Every body waiting for something.

    Every body telling others what to do - HoB, Police, MACC, Civil Courts or do nothing.

    Everybody talking and the talking getting louder...

    So why the delay of HoB's decision after the PAC?

    Any idea? Was the RM50,000 as love gift or bribe true?

    We need to pray for JUSTICE on 24th September, 2012.

    Would something extra ordinary happen on 24th September, 2012?

  28. Have you all noticed that AV is defying you all? He is purposedly bringing a lot of people to Brisbane just to spite you all? Does he care about what you all said about mission trips? He could not care less.Better enjoy while he still can for after all no one has the power to curb him,he is still the bishop!

    1. Not long after the TPW shed tears for repentance for not listening to the church, He refuse to listen to the voice of the church again now. He go ahead with their plan to Brisbane for mission and fun trip.What have you all, the delegates of synod had to say again for being so forgiving and so accomodating to TPW'S crocodile's tears. We people just can't understand what were all these delegates doing during the synod, sleeping? just showing their hands or legs for the apprproval of the qualified account? Some delegates are made up of lawyer, accountant, engineer and other professionals and yet they are so irresponsible to the church and our holy God. How these hypocritic delegates ( of which some are leaders,) lead their respective church. I really can not believe that our christian community has changed so much that we have to be good in church politics in order to show your maturity. MAY GOD HAVE MERCY on US! !!

  29. Who are the signatories of the bank accounts of ADOS?

    Who are the signatories of the bank account of ASC?

    these are very important we don't lose everything in the bank.

    Actually AVCF as sole 'trustee' cannot delegate his duty to anyone else...

  30. While waiting patiently for the HOB to come out with their decision many members are making plans for their future where to worship if after all AV's wrong doings which are now unaccoutable is not severely dealt with.The bible says being a spiritual leader knowing the word of God and yet goes against God's teaching will be punished more than others! The house of God is topsy turvy and full of cheatings and yet the leader still demonstrates his so called 'love' for God as if he is doing it all for God against the will of the sheep who are the real devils,preventing him from spreading the gospels,that is the impression he gives to these young people who are on their way to Brisbane.No wonder,I heard the young people said that this bishop is very generous! Do they know they are using money that belong to the members who work so hard for it?

  31. One thing that keeps coming up from my mind,heard that AV is leading a team of young people,of course the favoured ones to Brisbane,doesn't he need to be present in court on 24th September to hear the judge's ruling? He is expecting the judge will rule in his favour as is still stated in his pastoral letter on the 5th August published in the church bulletin.He is already influencing and hinting the learned judge indirectly.It is no surprise to all of us now,the way he tried to manipulate and bribe the archbishop and one of the 3 'wise men'?What sort of a bishop are we having? Do we need such a bishop to lead us? That is why the members do not want to be seen with such a leader and other leaders of his even in a church where they worship for most of their lives. They preach one thing and practise another thing,how true it is when Jesus condemned the teachings of Pharisees and the Scribes preaching in the Synagogues.

  32. God have a purpose for the delay and what is happening in the church now. God opens our spiritual eyes to see who is the true follower of Jesus Christ.
    If not because of this crisis, we will not know the heart condition of those leaders who claim that they are the servants of God and yet they are the servants who pursue the worldly things and serving the Master of the world.
    Please don’t leave the church if what is saying in this blog is true. This is the spiritual war that we are fighting for. Leaving the church will only give satan to do more damage to our church. Only by standing firm we will win this war. Don’t lose faith in our almighty God. For God’s justice will come and will restore our church

  33. A "true" spiritual leader is a "servant" leader. Jesus said, "I come to serve and not to be served". Humility is a Christlike character that not only leaders but also each Christian should have. It is so sad to see that this Christlike character has disappeared in Albert Vun's life, as well as those who support and follow his leadership. Anglican churches in Sabah is indeed going through another huge crisis ever since the times of Mustapha during the 1970s where foreign missionaries were forced to leave Sabah. Yet my friends, let's not loose heart and faith, stand fast, for the time will come soon, when God himself will show His justice and judgment upon all those who disowned His Name and rejected His words and warnings. Let us pray, that the day when Albert Vun(and all those leaders who refused to repent and turn back to God) face the wrath of God (which I personally would not be happy to see that), that God will raise up a new batch of leaders that are obedient to God's word and calling, the "true" shepherds that loves God and His sheep, that they know what servant leadership is all about.

    My friends, Albert Vun is the only problem. The real problem behind is the spiritual weakness and spiritual warfare. This is Satan's way to destroy the churches of God. I believe one of the reasons why many churches were split and destroyed, and also why many of so called spiritual leaders have become so proud was because of the influence of the "charismatic movement". If you notice carefully, many of those people who claimed they have the gifts of Holy Spirit or filled by the Holy Spirit very often acted out exactly the opposite way. Many of these so called spiritual leaders teach their congregation to seek for "experiences" rather than seeking God. And so we see so many so called signs and wonders happened in the churches and we called it "church revival". But if we observed in depth and see things with the help of God's Spirit and His Word, something is really wrong here. There is obviously no true life transformation. We see those who so called charismatic pastors and leaders have obviously become so arrogant proud, that they think they're the "only ones" who know God's will and words. Friends, it's time to come back to the Word of God. Anything done or preached that is not according to God's Word and Godly principle, we should never, ever listen to those teachings...let us beware of all the lies that sound so biblical on the surface, yet become destructive to the church in the long run. May I urge all pastors to be extra careful in everything you say or preached, for it may bring huge spiritual damages to the churches, which has already started...Preach the Word of God and nothing else...for Paul once said this, "For what we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. " (2 Cor 4:5). I really hope Albert Vun and all his so called spiritual leaders would see this verse and know what they should be doing as "servants" and not CEO or super boss!!

    Let's continue to put our trust in God and continue to pray for all spiritual leaders of the church to really know God and His Word, be obedient to His calling, to lead the churches wisely, and be humble to serve at all times! Amen.

    1. My dear brother/sister in Christ, I believe your judgement concerning the charismatic movement is misplaced. The Charismatic Movement brought many who had previously merely a head-knowledge of the Christian religion into a personal experience of the risen living saviour. It has also brought Christians from different denominations and streams of Christianity closer together across denominational divisions and barriers. But what has followed has wandered away from the original path of the renewal. So-called 'charismatic' churches are no longer truly charismatic, and instead of the original liberty brought by the Holy Spirit we have often have control and manipulation by mere men.

      The charismatic movement did a great deal of good, but it has largely been hijacked on the local scene by the lack of trust in God, and also a failure to apply what was originally learned, particularly as in 1 Corinthians 12 and the functioning of the church as a body. Paul's guidance on the use of the spiritual gifts that was followed by those initially involved has subsequently been ignored, and the freedom of the spirit has been largely lost on the grounds of orderliness. I think no more needs to be said now.

  34. Anonymous 20 September 2012 05:58

    AV to go on sabbatical/study leave commencing Feb 2013

    who say so?

    generally no acceptable or accepted as more illegalities would occur and assets stripping would be done for good..

    why give him more time like that ?

    You mean E-court decides? just speculation?

    1. It is true JK.Be prepared for more extra ordinary news to happen.Unbelievable!

  35. Why is AVCF going for Sabbatical & study leaves only in Feb 2013 ?
    HBO should have suspended AVCF or at least demand him to go for sabbatical leave 3 months ago & why in Feb 2013 ?

    fr. view of the legal minded.

    1. If the HOB gives Sabbatical/study leave to AV then the members are not given justice! This is not the way to solve the crisis and not even scratching the surface! Infact,it is a reward to him by letting him go off for sabbatical/study leave.Who pays for his studies,the members? I hate to say this but I am beginning to lose faith in the HOB and also the Anglican church! If a leader has been found of being guilty of wrong doings which are many and yet actions are not taken against him,and infact encouraging him to go off somewhere to reflect on himself???? What then after his study leave,come back and continue from where he left off? Back to the same old ways again? I feel that the sheep are left to fend for themselves and the guilty shepherd 's welfare is being looked after at the expense of the abandoned sheep,is this what we call justice?

  36. There are still a lot of unanswered questions regarding AV going on long leave.It does not solve the church problems at all.How long is his leave? Why does he not go straightaway? What about changing the constitutions? What about the mess and the not transparent accounts? The HOB has not helped us to solve the problems at all,infact in Archbishop's letter he said he heard the cries of the sheep and would address to their problems once and for all. Has the HOB said they would send a forensic team to come to reaudit the accounts when AV goes on long leave? When he goes on long leave who takes over from him? If he is still in office,he will still carry on using the church money,has the HOB stopped that? It would be a nice holiday for him,not doing anything but still get paid and still enjoying the perks that he has rewarded himself.He still can control the church using remote control.If all these have not been addressed then the members feel that they are being abandoned.The HOB cares more of their own kind than the sheep! The sheep are now left to take over to sort out the problems.We have great faith in our HOB but what a let down.If priests can be let off so easily,what more a bishop,then the next bishop who comes along can do the same thing,you cannot have double standards. It is such a sad,sad time for Anglicans and I keep asking why,why why? We have no more faith in the Anglican Church.Doesn't the HOB read the blogs to see and feel how painful our hearts are or are they influenced and blinded by AV with his sweet talk to them?

    1. To be honest to you and to myself, I have never expected HOB will do any help to our situation like this.I hope time will prove my judgement. you might ask me why. Isn't that HOB, the rightful God's authority to deal with our ADOS's protracted crisis?
      Yes, I agree. However, Will you still trust them again after hearing from a Sarawakian brother relating to us what he have heard from our Archbishop over a fellowship dinner. Archbisop said : He found it hard to defend Bav in the fellowship of house of bishops in view of the glaring inciminating evidence. From the way He spoke, tt seemed that they are more concerned with the wellbeing of Bav than God's people in ADOS. Do they need to consult Bav on how and when to anounce their final decision? Are they doing Bav's a favour for delaying until February 2013 or after court ruling on 24th this month. You be the judge.
      Let's pray for the coming court ruling and may God's righteousness prevail.Amen!

  37. Albert going on Sabbatical leave is good for him because he needs time to listen to what God wants to speak to him. lets pray and hope that he will come back as a new, repented man of God.

  38. Brother Albert Vun, when will you stop hurting the churches of God? We are all so sad and praying for you because we still love you. Please come back to God before it's too late...

  39. AVCF going for sabbatical leave ???? If HBO is not taking stern action with this " CEO " & just let AVCF to go for long sabbatical leave thinking parishioners will forget the abuses, then we as parishioners should take action our way.
    The only way out if HBO is not going to reaudit ( forensic ) all the accounts from 2006 to 2012, we should go to MACC immediately.
    Report should be lodge directly to The Director General with cc copies to DAP Chairman,Mr.Kapal Singh & MCA, Mr.Michael Chong.

  40. I know it is hard for HOB to make a decision to someone of your own rank. You should do what is right for the sake of the Anglican church and not because Av is your buddy

  41. I just don't see how the crisis can be solved by letting AV go on sabbatical/study leave.The problems will still be there when he comes back.Will he come back a changed person? I doubt about it. What about all those lost millions? Just let it be? The situation cannot be the same as before.Pity,so much time wasted and money spent to come back to square one.If the outcome would come to this might as well let him go on leave in the first place when the investigation first started instead of dragging on for months.It was started with high hopes but now the crisis remains the same but even worse than before.AV now knows he has the backing of the HOB,just a slap on the wrist,all forgotten,so AV has the protential to become the next archbishop of SEA.Congratulations!

  42. Why did AV go to S'pore to have a retreat so he said with the HOB a week before the 'verdict' was out?.Did they discuss with AV to find a way out for him graciously?.AV determined the date for both parties to agree and they decided Feb,would be the best time to take leave? Then they all took a photo together and AV posted it on his website to show that the HOB are his buddies for everybody to see,so it seems.All this time AV was manipulating the HOB like he always does with people and I thought for once AV would not get his way but how wrong I was! If this crisis happens in their dioceses what would they do and how would they deal with it? Well now we have ADOS being the first diocese that a bishop is found with wrong doings,what will the HOB do if another diocese does the same thing-will that person also be let off with a slap on the wrist? We all thought that being the first case that happened the case would be dealt with severely so as to discourage others from doing the same thing.Again,how wrong I was.Will we trust the HOB to deal with future cases? You be the judge!

  43. RAOC - Thailand

    Who is that person not in proper robe of a priest to do Holy Communion?

    What is the Anglican standard of Holy communion without insult to Christ?

  44. To what extend this problem is going to prolong? Very disappointed that almost no conclusion was made after months of investigations and meetings among the top levels. Who is paying all the fares to Australia , HK, etc. This is a small matter though compare to the crisis the Diocese is facing. We already become laughing stock. Should we follow Malaysia politic to hold election or whatsoever we call it. Should professionalism be absorb at this stage or rather wait again. Funny. May the Heavenly Father show us His direction.


    Bishop’s Message
    We praise God for the Diocesan Golden Jubilee Celebration on 24th July,
    2012. The anniversary celebration began with a symbolic ground breaking of
    a RM30m House of Celebration Project consisting of a 3000-seater sanctuary,
    a training school and a multi-storey car-park. Both Fund raising and
    application for approval for the building plans are now in process. Phase
    One of the project will commence when the applications are approved. This
    is a Diocesan faith project with the next generation and leaders in mind as
    we step into the next 50 years and beyond.
    The celebration was followed by the Jubilee Thanksgiving Service at All
    Saints’ Cathedral. We praise God that more than 2000 people packed the
    Cathedral to give thanks for God’s faithfulness and love for His people. The
    service began with the blowing of shofars (trumpet) followed by exuberant
    praise and worship. The Cathedral Choir and Children Choir also added to
    the jubilation. Bishop Vun encouraged the whole Diocese to continue
    moving in the power of the Holy Spirit, preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and
    possess the Favor of the Lord as Jubilee people entering a new beginning.
    Among the Heads of Churches and dignitaries present were The Most Revd
    Datuk Bolly Lapok (Archbishop of the Province of South East Asia) and The
    Most Revd Paul Kwong (Archbishop of the Province of Hong Kong), Diocesan
    Bishops of the South East Asia Province, representatives of missionary
    agencies and Senior Pastors and leaders of local churches in Kota Kinabalu.
    A contingent of over 700 leaders and members from the interior churches of
    Sabah were also present.
    The anniversary celebration ended with a Jubilee Thanksgiving Dinner at
    Magellan Sutera Grand Ballroom. Again the evening was filled with 1220
    members and guests throughout the Diocese and overseas. Those present also
    witnessed the launching of The Diocese of Sabah 1962-2012 History Book
    which captures the humble beginnings of Diocese of Sabah to where it is
    today. Another highlight of the night was the cheque presentation of “seed
    offering” towards the House of Celebration. The offerings together with the
    offering taken at the Jubilee Thanksgiving Service amount to RM910,213.15.
    The night was further graced with celebration and thanksgiving with dances
    and songs presented by all three archdeaconries including a special finale
    by the clergy. It was truly a night of great joy and thanksgiving.
    We give the highest praise to our Lord Jesus Christ for His promise and
    faithfulness that “(He) will build His church and the gates of Hades will not
    prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18b). We also thank all His faithful people
    who have served sacrificially to the glory of God. Let us all move in zeal and
    faith into the next 50 years and beyond!
    --- by Bishop John Yeo ---

    Note: Please make your Cheque payable to St. Patrick Church (FCC)

    my comment---

    Why pay to St Patrick church (FCC) when it is a joint venture of ASC and Anglican Diocese of Sabah?

    The big thieves want to steal more... ????

  46. Please also ask for sight of latest bank statements for the current accounts and fixed deposits.

    Better ask M Tong for the latest balances as post balance sheet events.

  47. Print this out and ask for answers as I cannot go ---

    Dear Bishop and Standing Committee,
    I don’t know why the issues raised in since 12 September, 2012 have not being addressed.
    The accounts of ADOS are totally unacceptable and ADOS would have the money to engaged good account staff.
    I have my own issues at the end of this mail and 3 at the moment is enough.
    So all together is 17 sweet questions and just quote the number when you reply in writing.
    Thank you,

    Wednesday, 12 September 2012

    Ezekiel 3:18
    When I say to a wicked person, ‘You will surely die,’ and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood.

    Any financial person will ask some of these questions in the Synod if they are given time to read the accounts:

    a) What is the definition of fixed assets in accounting? Why was the Bangkok condominium treated as off balance sheet item? Why was it never a fixed asset? Who suggested it as revenue expenditure (charged out as expenses) instead of capital expenditure (fixed assets)?

    1-JK’s Question ---who has given the instruction ? Who did the bookkeeping entry?

    b) How did the KK land sales of RM236,500 become receivables? What is this? Land sales from Likas land not fully collected? ADOS only sold 2 parcels of KK land. The Likas Land and the road access to the freemason. This amount owing from which buyer?

    2-JK’s Question: When did this figure first occur and for what?

    c) Why is the KOKOL PROJECT ACCOUNT supposedly monitored by Michael Tong (the treasurer for the project) cost only RM5.1mil but the costs booked in ADOS accounts shows RM6mil? ADOS account shows Kokol cost RM836,000 more than the project account under the project treasurer Michael Tong. How and why? This can only suggests some unknown expenses were booked in as costs to this project in ADOS account. The Kokol building was completed and dedicated end of August 2010. Why was there still an addition of RM538,967 costs in 2011? How could two different figures presented to the Synod? How could the accounts be approved and accepted?

    3-JK’s Question – Show us the complete project account and documents.

    d) Where has the rental income gone? ADOS has been receiving rental like from Wisma Anglican, staff apartment and various premises. Why were these not reported in the accounts?

    4-JK’s Question: -Please give us a complete list of properties rented out and the respective rent.

    e) There was RM38.8mil of bank balances from the close of 2009 financial. After having spent RM18.1mil for both 2010 and 2011 and received income RM7.4 of income for the 2 years, there should only have left with RM28.1mil. This is simple mathematics. Why there is still RM34.5mil? How have overnight miracles happened that RM6.4mil just appeared into the bank from nowhere?

    5-JK’s Question:- Please show us the Diocesan assessment schedule due and payable and paid by those churches concerned in these two years.

    Part 1 of 4

  48. please print -

    f) Movement of specific fund was all done with wrong accounting. Why funds utilised (spent) is also funds transferred into this account? This is not right. There was RM41mil in the special fund at the close of 2009 financial. RM3.7mil for 2009 & 2010 from the assessment has been allocated into this fund, a total of RM44.7mil. RM18.1mil have been utilised. There should only be RM26.6mil. Why is there still RM37mil? This is very strange.

    6-JK’s Question – Please show us the relevant ledger of these fund for 2010, 2011.

    g) Development fund & Kokol were over charged by RM96,728 and RM34,912 in the specific fund. How could RM131,640 overspent from this account? How will these discrepancies be accounted for?

    7-JK’s Question - Please show us the relevant ledgers with these items.

    h) What was the reason for no budget was presented during the 2010 Synod? Is it right that the Chairman had violated the Constitution of the Diocesan and manipulated the Synod? Without the budget from the previous Synod, more than RM6.4 worth of properties had been purchased between last Synod and this. Was it not Bishop Vun initiated to purchase the Tenom shop lots, Sipitang and Menggatal land worth more than RM2mil? (We all know these RM2mil deals were all with contentious issues). Then, why were these selectively not taken up as fixed assets of ADOS but the Sulaiman and Lahad Datu were booked as assets in ADOS account ? Who decided the purchase of Sulaiman and the Lahad Datu shoplots worth more than RM4.1mil?

    8-Jk’s Question – We need to examine copies of titles of all land and landed properties. The three pieces of properties Tenom, Sipitang and Menggatal maybe included in the list of assets 2006-2012 in page 56 but we need to have a schedule of assets as at 2010 and 2011 to be reconciled to the Balance sheet of the two years. Show us Synod 2009’s minute or the Standing Committee on the purchase of landed assets.

    i) RM6.3mil was spent for purchase of land and church planting and RM3.4mil as mission and outreach fun. A total of RM9.7mil from the sales of Likas Land has been spent over the past 2-3years. There should only be RM21.3mil remaining not utilised. How long will this last if the same pattern of spending is practiced for the next 5 years? Have we achieved our purpose from the intention of the Synod to approve the sales of this land?

    9-JK’s Question - When was the sale of likas land actually approved by Synod and the purpose of that sale? Why was the Likas land not retained for the expansion development of ADOS?

    The Diocesan Academies Board (Hearing it 1st time)
    j) When was this Board formed? The All Saints Anglican Academy started immediately Bishop Vun was made the Bishop. Why only now in Synod 2012 then the Diocesan Board was formed? Who decided on the members of the Board? There are 8 members on the Board 7 members are directly under the payroll of the Diocesan Bishop. The members are Stella Lo (Bishop’s representative), Bishop John Yeo, Canon Yong Thiam Choy, Datin Mary Vun(Chairman), Rev Tan Chor Kee, Lily Tan ( Rev Tan’s wife) Mdm Chung Shuk Yong. The other person is none other than the Diocesan treasurer. How can the Board make objective decisions when they are all interested parties?

    10-JK’s Question – Are the Diocesan Academies the family business of the Bishop all subsidized/funded by church money?

    part 2 0f 4

  49. please print --

    f) Movement of specific fund was all done with wrong accounting. Why funds utilised (spent) is also funds transferred into this account? This is not right. There was RM41mil in the special fund at the close of 2009 financial. RM3.7mil for 2009 & 2010 from the assessment has been allocated into this fund, a total of RM44.7mil. RM18.1mil have been utilised. There should only be RM26.6mil. Why is there still RM37mil? This is very strange.

    6-JK’s Question – Please show us the relevant ledger of these fund for 2010, 2011.

    g) Development fund & Kokol were over charged by RM96,728 and RM34,912 in the specific fund. How could RM131,640 overspent from this account? How will these discrepancies be accounted for?

    7-JK’s Question - Please show us the relevant ledgers with these items.

    h) What was the reason for no budget was presented during the 2010 Synod? Is it right that the Chairman had violated the Constitution of the Diocesan and manipulated the Synod? Without the budget from the previous Synod, more than RM6.4 worth of properties had been purchased between last Synod and this. Was it not Bishop Vun initiated to purchase the Tenom shop lots, Sipitang and Menggatal land worth more than RM2mil? (We all know these RM2mil deals were all with contentious issues). Then, why were these selectively not taken up as fixed assets of ADOS but the Sulaiman and Lahad Datu were booked as assets in ADOS account ? Who decided the purchase of Sulaiman and the Lahad Datu shoplots worth more than RM4.1mil?

    8-Jk’s Question – We need to examine copies of titles of all land and landed properties. The three pieces of properties Tenom, Sipitang and Menggatal maybe included in the list of assets 2006-2012 in page 56 but we need to have a schedule of assets as at 2010 and 2011 to be reconciled to the Balance sheet of the two years. Show us Synod 2009’s minute or the Standing Committee on the purchase of landed assets.

    i) RM6.3mil was spent for purchase of land and church planting and RM3.4mil as mission and outreach fun. A total of RM9.7mil from the sales of Likas Land has been spent over the past 2-3years. There should only be RM21.3mil remaining not utilised. How long will this last if the same pattern of spending is practiced for the next 5 years? Have we achieved our purpose from the intention of the Synod to approve the sales of this land?

    9-JK’s Question - When was the sale of likas land actually approved by Synod and the purpose of that sale? Why was the Likas land not retained for the expansion development of ADOS?

    part 3 of 4

  50. please print -

    The Diocesan Academies Board (Hearing it 1st time)
    j) When was this Board formed? The All Saints Anglican Academy started immediately Bishop Vun was made the Bishop. Why only now in Synod 2012 then the Diocesan Board was formed? Who decided on the members of the Board? There are 8 members on the Board 7 members are directly under the payroll of the Diocesan Bishop. The members are Stella Lo (Bishop’s representative), Bishop John Yeo, Canon Yong Thiam Choy, Datin Mary Vun(Chairman), Rev Tan Chor Kee, Lily Tan ( Rev Tan’s wife) Mdm Chung Shuk Yong. The other person is none other than the Diocesan treasurer. How can the Board make objective decisions when they are all interested parties?

    10-JK’s Question – Are the Diocesan Academies the family business of the Bishop all subsidized/funded by church money?

    All Saints Anglican Academy (ASAA, the school)
    k) Why all the academy accounts not included as part of ADOS accounts yet funds were transferred out from ADOS’s mission funds expenses to finance the school activities. Why is this account so preferential that need not to be audited? Who owns the school? Does it belong to Mary Vun ( the chairwoman) or the Diocese?

    11-JK’s Question - Isn’t this action of transferring ASAA out of ASC to ADOS subject to Criminal Breach of Trust?

    l) Salaries for ASAA has increased close to RM90,000 between 2010 & 2011. If every staff (including Mary Vun) get one month bonus, there is still an unexplained RM45,000. Was this paid to Mary Vun for being consultants to the China failed mission?

    12-JK’s Question - We want to see the salary card of ASAA and Form E to the Inland Revenue Department.

    m) Guess who are the signatories to the cheques of the ASAA? Is it not Mary Vun? Together with her, there is a young priest who is also under the payroll of Mary Vun’s husband (the bishop). Interestingly, this account was not included in ADOS financial. If it is not part of ADOS, why is ADOS so obligated to transfer funds out to aid ASAA, Sunway and Beijing? Do you think this is right? Being an interested party to the Bishop, she received the money from her husband. Why was the formation of the Academy Board only done in 2012 before the Synod? Has it been discussed and approved by the standing committee?

    13-JK’s Question – Does ASAA have a trading licence?

    n) The school (ASAA) venture into China with the Koreans. Is that all we have invested RM80,000 as reported by the Board secretary?
    Inconsistencies: Auditor’s finding was RM650,000 and another RM600,000 without records. We want the truth to be unfolded.

    14-JK’s Question – What is the present status of this proposed venture? Is it one or off?

    part 4 of 4 - please print all 4 parts.

  51. please print this last part -- thank you.

    Additional Questions by Joshua Kong for Bishop A Vun and his standing committee as they need to give valid explanation in writing while Bishop remains in office against protests.

    15. We are not only interested to know more about two years 2010 and 2011 but also years 2006-2009. So when can get certified true copies of those years?

    16. It is now known that ADOS land had been planted with oil palm and substantial revenue has been estimated for a few years and have these income being included in ADOS accounts? If so, please give details.

    17.It is now alleged that at least a BM priest and BM pastor have died prematurely since 2006. The Rev Rais died in Tuaran after a by pass operation after preaching in church. Bishop did not allow him to go for full rest of three months after the heart surgery and instead gave him 3 days leave only.

    17a-Question: What did the Bishop do after the death of the BM priest? Should the Bishop now agree to have an Inquiry on his premature death to clear his blame for the death? This is very important as more than one deaths and at least 13 sudden resignation of senior priests since 2005/2006.

    I have many more questions and leave them to another forum and I hope I can have the answers in writing as the forum on Monday would not have the time to deal with them satisfactory.

    Thank you,

    Joshua Y. C. Kong 012-8380897; 013-8394513.

  52. Now the scholarship likely abused too by AVCF ---

    Appendix A
    Click HERE to download
    Appendix B
    Click HERE to download

    Click B to get this

    [ C ] Scholarship Fund Year 2011 Year 2010
    1 Samuel Vun (Bishop Vun's Eldest Son) 12,005.00 10,275.00
    2 Irene Kong (Rev Jeffery Kong's daughter) 14,387.00 15,000.00
    3 Jonathan Leong (Rev Victor Leong's Son) 13,730.00 11,360.00
    4 Sarah Vun (Bishop Vun's daughter) 15,000.00 15,000.00
    5 Samuel Lo Qi Feng (Rev Philip Lo's Eldest son) 4,200.00 6,360.00
    6 David Lo (Rev Philip Lo's 2nd son) 5,953.00

    Now you know who get the scholarships.


    1. What is the selection criteria that two families with bright children get the
    ‘cheap’ fund?

    2. Who head this committee?

    3. Other children of the 100 other clergies and pastors are not up to the notch to get scholarships? Why?
